Ms. Stern's Math Classroom



MATH is everywhere! You need it all the time. You will need to work hard and practice to get better.


If you need extra help or extra practice, check out the following:

  • Lunch Time Tutoring in Rm 458
  • Math Academy in Rm 432: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday from 230-330pm
  • Online Textbook has other resources besides the notes and problems.
  • Revolutionk12: (For IM1 users.)
  • Khan Academy:
  • IXL:


The above is what I have used in my classroom. There are many programs out there to help you, you just need to attend.


How can I improve my grade???

These are in no particular order and they are also posted on the classroom whiteboard... collaborate with my table buddy/group; attend math academy; pay attention; turn brain on; have a meaningful discussion; pay attention; focus; ask thoughtful questions; think; don't let my friends distract me; schedule a test retake; do test corrections; do my homework daily.